Sort lexicographicaly. Note that Redis is utf-8 aware assuming you set the right value for the LC_COLLATE environment variable. @return the SortingParams Object
Get the Sorting in Ascending Order. This is the default order. @return the SortingParams Object
Sort by weight in keys. <p> Takes a pattern that is used in order to generate the key names of the weights used for sorting. Weight key names are obtained substituting the first occurrence of * with the actual value of the elements on the list. <p> The pattern for a normal key/value pair is "field*" and for a value in a hash "field*->fieldname". @param pattern @return the SortingParams Object
Get the Sorting in Descending Order. @return the sortingParams Object
Retrieving external keys from the result of the search. <p> Takes a pattern that is used in order to generate the key names of the result of sorting. The key names are obtained substituting the first occurrence of * with the actual value of the elements on the list. <p> The pattern for a normal key/value pair is "field*" and for a value in a hash "field*->fieldname". <p> To get the list itself use the char # as pattern. @param patterns @return the SortingParams Object
Limit the Numbers of returned Elements. @param start is zero based @param count @return the SortingParams Object
No sorting. <p> This is useful if you want to retrieve a external key (using {@link #get(string...) GET}) but you don't want the sorting overhead. @return the SortingParams Object
Builder Class for {@link Redis#sort(string, SortingParams) SORT} Parameters.