
IDECRBY work just like {@link #decr(string) INCR} but instead to decrement by 1 the decrement is integer. <p> INCR commands are limited to 64 bit signed integers. <p> Note: this is actually a string operation, that is, in Redis there are not "integer" types. Simply the string stored at the key is parsed as a base 10 64 bit signed integer, incremented, and then converted back as a string. <p> Time complexity: O(1) @see #incr(string) @see #decr(string) @see #incrBy(string, long) @param key @param decrement @return Integer reply, this commands will reply with the new value of key after the increment.

  1. Long decrBy(string key, long decrement)
    class Redis
    string key
  2. alias decrBy = BinaryRedis.decrBy
