Return the rank (or index) or member in the sorted set at key, with scores being ordered from
high to low.
When the given member does not exist in the sorted set, the special value 'nil' is returned.
The returned rank (or index) of the member is 0-based for both commands.
<b>Time complexity:</b>
@see #zrank(const(ubyte)[], const(ubyte)[])
@param key
@param member
@return Integer reply or a nil bulk reply, specifically: the rank of the element as an integer
reply if the element exists. A nil bulk reply if there is no such element.
Return the rank (or index) or member in the sorted set at key, with scores being ordered from high to low. <p> When the given member does not exist in the sorted set, the special value 'nil' is returned. The returned rank (or index) of the member is 0-based for both commands. <p> <b>Time complexity:</b> <p> O(log(N)) @see #zrank(const(ubyte)[], const(ubyte)[]) @param key @param member @return Integer reply or a nil bulk reply, specifically: the rank of the element as an integer reply if the element exists. A nil bulk reply if there is no such element.